Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mothering Sunday

This is the first blog for me and it seems I already have a follower so welcome to my blog Jimmy, if that's your real name, I have my suspicions about that.
I have been pondering about the subject of my first blog, I would like it to be relevant to the day of writing and as it is Mothering Sunday here in the UK, I have decided to witter a bit about that.
I no longer buy a Mothers day card as my dear Mum passed on in September 2006 and of course it doesn't have to be Mothering Sunday for me to remember her, she is in my head and my heart every day of the year.
I remember as a young girl asking her when childrens day was and without pausing for thought she told me that every day was childrens day, it wasn't quite the answer I was expecting, I thought there was a magical date on the calendar especially set aside for the spoiling of children but alas it was not to be.
She was absolutely right though, every day was and still is childrens day, we were loved, cared for, tucked into a comfy bed at night, waited on and cooked for, we were spoilt yes, but not with gifts as money was tight in those days but we were spoilt with love.
On Mum's headstone are the words "Remembered with a smile" how apt those words are, as much as we feel sad for our loss we still smile when we think of her, I remember her warmth and kindness, the sound of her voice, the smell of her hair and much much more.
I arrived home from work late Saturday evening and the most beautiful smell filled the house, there on the table was a beautiful bouquet of flowers in my best vase, placed there by my youngest son. My eldest son has promised me he will come to see me today and I have just seen him outside the house complete with bouquet of flowers, thankfully no chocolates, I will be holidaying in Turkey in six weeks and would like to be slightly smaller by then.
I am dedicating this first blog to my own lovely Mum and to all the lovely Mums, those that are still here and those that have sadly passed and to the heartbroken sons and daughters they have left behind.


  1. Now that my eyes are dry but a little sore from reading the first blog written by my beautiful niece relating to her dear mother Audrey, Audrey being the sister of my wife Rosemary, I Vest (Blog Title) am honoured to be the first to insert a comment on this pristine and virginal blog.
    Christine, you will now find any future comments will become much easier and not as painful or worrisome as the first and you will begin to look forward in anticipation to future comments as I shall be sending them more regularly.

    Thank you for your comment on "The Daily Gaggle" received this morning. Uncle Les, X.

  2. Thank you very much Uncle Les for your kind words and encouragement, I do value your opinion and it is very much appreciated.
    I have a couple of ideas going around in my head for my next blog so watch this space. xx

  3. I am watching with bated breath.
